You work pretty hard, develop your skills, if you are like most employed Nigerians, especially…
What are payday loans? Payday loans are short term loans which help employees to cover…

When we launched FINT in 2017, we knew we had set out to solve a very difficult problem in Nigeria. At the time, less than 5% of Nigerians had access to credit,…
Kabir Mohammed is a maize farmer in Kaduna. He started farming as a child, helping…
So, it recently came to our knowledge that people are creating fake WhatsApp groups and…
The singular most urgent fear that people have when they have to lend out money…
We have established over time that when you’re taking a loan, there is a measure…
Why Was My FINT Loan Declined? This is one question we have been getting from…
One of our colleagues was on the phone the other day having what seemed like…
How much are you willing to pay for a loan? Bobola needs approximately N300,000 to…